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What? The new chapter in the history of Total War, completely dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte.

Where? Horchet, Great Britain. Telemon with The Creative Assembly.

The most dramatic and heartbreaking moment in the history of the Napoleonic Wars is the battle of Waterloo, the last fight of Napoleon. It was a pure gesture of despair. France, exhausted by continuous wars, could no longer resist the anti -French coalition, the only chance remained – to defeat the troops of the allies alone. With Waterloo, Napoleon tried to deal with the British, using the arrogance alone. The battle first turned into a massacre, and the massacre – into an epic battle, which would not be as a different ancient Greek epic. People went crazy right on the battlefield, the square of the old guard could not move in the evening from behind the mountains of corpses, four horses were killed near Marshal by Marshal (he shouted: “Watch how the Marshal of France dies on the battlefield!" – but never died), the English infantry withstood twelve attacks of the heavy French cavalry.

The Prussian Corps approached the British to help, and the French army ceased to exist to the twilight. They killed or took to flight everyone except the old guard. Soldiers buried by powder smoke, most of whom passed all Napoleon campaigns, they stood in a huge square in the middle of the mountains of corpses, on the field of a hopelessly lost battle. Everything was over, the empire fell, Napoleon was defeated. English General Collvil shouted: “Brave, give up!"In response, the French General Cambronne yelled:" Shit! The guard dies, but does not give up!"And the guard bold buckshot.

In the first quarter of 2010, you can highlight the old guard with a frame and personally send it to the last attack. Or click "charge the buckshot" on the control panel of the English battery. Or order her to build heavy cuirassits with a wedge and go to the British from the flank. In February 2010, Napoleon: Total War , New project in the platinum series Total War.

After all, not without reason

The British from The Creative Assembly they emphasize that this is not about supplementing Empire: Total War , And about an absolutely independent project. Napoleon will have three new global cards, a crazy number of fresh units (322 pieces, a separate designer has been identified for the study of historical uniforms) and a whole company of famous generals (including Kutuzov).

Each of the three global cards is dedicated to one of the moments in the military career of Napoleon (and they are all much smaller than the size from Empire). The first campaign will make it possible to play Italian wars by arranging a brawl in Austria and Italy. The second tells about Napoleon's Egyptian adventures – he will visit the Middle East and Africa with tourist purposes (by the way, the nose of the Sphinx statue was shot from guns of Napoleonic troops). And finally, the last and most tragic campaign will allow you to compete with the anti -French coalition in Europe. A campaign to Russia, the capture of St. Petersburg, maybe a landing in England? With a famous desire, you can win all Europe (although it will be very difficult) by installing a millennial French Reich. Or, spitting on the Corsican Beast, start playing the Russian Empire, defeat the hordes of French barbarians on the border, and then go on a counterattack to Paris itself.

In addition, there will be a training campaign (like an American from Empire), which will tell about the early stages of Napoleon’s life – from arrival from Corsica to the siege of Toulon, from these events the military glory of Bonaparte actually began.

Reducing the scale of the global card is compensated by increased details: The Creative Assembly wants to display French wanderings around the world in the smallest details. In addition, they promise a great many movie sorcerers and even a through plot, thanks to which it will be possible to imbue the personal story of the commander.

They mixed in a heap

Some changes are planned in the combat system. Firstly, the troops will become much more dependent on the generals, both on the battlefield and on the strategic map. In global mode, the units remaining without generals will begin to move more slowly, will not be able to receive reinforcements and will be particularly suffering from an unfavorable external environment. Roughly speaking, Egyptian deserts or frozen Moscow forests will take away the lives of your grenadiers without any battle (therefore, if you go to Moscow, then move as soon as possible), and without military leaders the warriors will also begin to desert. In the heat of the battle, those shelves that are next to the general will receive huge bonuses that allow to withstand the most cruel attacks (it was in Empire, but still there the role and personality of the commander were not expressed so clearly). Accordingly, hunting for the commander, who used to be popular with popular entertainment, will acquire, sorry, royal scope in Napoleon.

In addition, they promise serious changes in artificial intelligence: Silicon Colonels will be able to correctly assess the situation and calculate possible options for the development of events. Sea battles are also a little also plugged: for example, special capacity will appear, which allows you to repair ships right during the battle. That is, with a certain dexterity, it will be possible to remove the flagship a seriously damaged flagship from under the fire and, having detained the enemy by other vessels, to repair the ship, and then return it to the battle.

Unfortunately, the maximum number of unfortunes will not change – all the same 10,000. But The Creative Assembly promises to seriously optimize the Warscape engine, significantly increasing its performance even on budget computers. A new system for calculating game physics is also expected, in which artillery nuclei will begin to behave much more realistic. Physics will complement the lighting, processed particle system (responds with splashes of water, dirt, as well as lumps of earth from under the hooves), post-proceedings and other complex and tedious terms. The most successful of the work of the British is illustrated by surrounding screenshots – they look much better than pictures from the original Empire.

Inner Empire

Finally, they promise the re -built buildings in the provinces – the new system is designed to better reflect the reform brought by Napoleon. It is worth noting that, for example, right -hand traffic in Europe spread precisely thanks to Bonaparte’s conquests (and England, which avoided occupation, remained with the left -handed one), so such promises are not an empty phrase.

No less sense in deepening the differences between the linear infantry of different countries. So, domestic soldiers will differ in greater resistance in close combat, while Prussian warriors are famous for excellent discipline. As a result, the two armies, even if they are collected from the same units, will behave completely differently.

In addition to a campaign with rollers and a through plot, The Creative Assembly also collects a heap of individual battles, from Borodino to the already mentioned Waterloo. The meaning of this venture is that you and I can play any more or less significant battal of the Napoleonic era at any time. With sea skirmishes, everything is not so wonderful, but maintaining the continental blockade of England will undoubtedly become one of the most important points in the game.

* * *

Having played with the modeling of the whole world at once, The Creative Assembly finally decided to give the players what they dreamed about for many years: a intelligible storyline (in a similar way according to the plan Rome: Total War – Alexander She was not). The British shift the focus from the strategy for tactics. In fact, Napoleon is a new stage in the development of the Total War series, which has always been a bastard strategic sandbox. The results of the transition from universal freedom to dramatic history can be seen in early 2010.

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New varieties of infantry in Napoleon: Total War

French cuirassits

Tank troops of the Empire of Napoleon. Heavy cavalry armed with terrible broadswords and bilateral metal cuirasses (from here the name came from here). Kirases could not protect against buckshot and gunfire from close range, but they coped with shots from afar and strokes with cold weapons. The main task of Kiirasir is to gain speed, to fly with all the dope in the middle of the enemy system, forcing the enemy to break the system and scatter. It was for the sake of this that over and over again he set the exhausted cuirassiers in English squares at Waterloo.

Braunschweig infantry

Real dogs of war from Germany. Are characterized by iron discipline and excellent resistance in battle. Together with the English allies, they successfully repelled the attacks of French cuirassits at Waterloo, participated in the war on the Pyrenee Peninsula, showing themselves from the best side. The uniform of their older brothers, the Braunschweig "black hussar", served as a source of inspiration for the creators of the form of SS fighters. Use the Braunschweigs as the basis for building your army, putting them on to the places of possible cavalry strikes.

Austrian ulans

Despite Austria in the name, these units were recruited and studied at the expense of the Poles, in the former Polish lands. In fact, these were the famous Polish olan, revived under a new name. Poland has a long history of the use of light cavalry with peaks – mostly the olan were produced to persecute the running enemy and for fleeting attacks on heavy cavalry: the cuirassiers simply could not heal after them, and their broadswords were useless against the long copies of the ulans. Use Austrian olan to weaken the enemy heavy cavalry and finishing the trembling regiments.

Black Guard

A division created from Scottish highlanders after the Jacobitan rebellion of 1715 to keep mountain clans in obedience. Participated in the Spanish campaign of Wellington, fought under Waterloo, showing themselves perfectly. Thanks to the traditional mountain ardor and high military spirit, the Black Guard cannot boast of high discipline, so use them mainly to attack. By the way, this unit of the British army still exists.

British heavy cavalry

In some way, this is an analogue of the French heavy cavalry. The difference is that Napoleon was consistently engaged in the creation of cuirassier regiments, and the British did not pay due attention to training their cavalry officers. In addition, when assigning to the regiment and promotion in the service, a solid role was played by the material wealth of Euphoria Wins Casino the future commander, so the responsible posts were not always the most worthy. As a result, under Waterloo, the attack of the heavy British cavalry was stopped by the French Ulans, who killed a large number of cavalrymen.

The famous commanders of Napoleon

Marshal Michelle her

"Red Lion" of France, which specialized in cavalry attacks. Legends are folded about his stunning fearlessness and equally amazing rage, the cavalrymen followed him into the fire and water. Despite the fact that he was in the very thick of the fight, he experienced Waterloo and was shot by the sentence of a military court for treason to the French crown (the transition to the side of Napoleon after his return).

Marshal Joachim Murat

King of Neapolitania. I was a relative Napoleon – I was married to his sister. On the battlefield commanded volatile cavalry detachments, inflicting impudent and unexpected blows. Napoleon did not participate in the Russian campaign, but when he tried to return in 1815, Murat offered Napoleon his services. Napoleon refused the proposal, and Murat was arrested for him and executed.

Marshal Louis Alexander Bertier

Napoleon's chief staff theorist. His achievements in the management of troops subsequently used all the military headquarters of leading European powers. One way or another planned all the military campaigns of Napoleon. In particular, he became an architect of the monstrous defeat of Russians at Austerlitz. Upon Napoleon’s return, he did not adjoin him, but still died during his hundred -day rule under unclear circumstances.

Marshal Louis Nicolas Dava

The only Napoleonic marshal who has not lost a single battle. There are cases when troops under the command of Dava won double the enemy forces. Commanded troops with terrible severity, almost cruelty, mercilessly punishment of subordinates for the slightest violations of discipline. After Napoleon returned, he joined him, participated in the battle of Waterloo. After Waterloo demanded an amnesty from the allies, threatening to continue resistance with the remnants of the army. Allies preferred not to take risks and fulfilled the requirements.

Marshal Emmanuel Pear

Marquis. He participated in the suppression of the Vandei uprising (turned into a terrible massacre and mockery of the residents of the rebellious regions), accompanied Napoleon in a Russian campaign, fought under Borodino, and later commanded the Holy Guard, which ensured the evacuation of Napoleon from Russia from Russia. Under Waterloo, the pear could not approach the rescue in time and, according to Napoleon, became the main culprit of the defeat. After the return of Bourbon, he fled to America.

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