In Night City, danger is waiting for every angle, so you will need to get arsenal to solve any problems And we will help you choose the best guns in Cyberpunk 2077.
The game presents many types of weapons for every taste. From long -range sniper rifles to close -up weapons, which sometimes takes very interesting forms. Let's go through all categories and highlight the best options.
The characteristics of the weapon can differ from those presented in screenshots and will depend on your level and skills.
Sniper rifles
Supervision (overwatch) – Pan's rifle with accelerated reloading and built -in muffler. To use the rifle to the maximum, you need 6 forces.
You can get it as a reward for an additional quest "saddled storm".
Zero-five (o’five)- This gun has explosive ammunition: they cause damage to the enemies standing nearby and sometimes even tear them to pieces.
You can get it in an additional mission "Blood and bone: Arroyo". No matter what choice you make in a dialogue with a tank, after hand -to -hand combat, he will attack you. Having won, you can pick up the rifle.
Assault rifles
Strength in conflict (Divined We Stand) – smart weapon causing chemical damage with a chance to poison the enemy. In addition, smartlink on this gun allows you to track up to 5 targets.
You can find it in the south of the Ranch Coronado when completing an additional task "The boss died, long live the boss". You can go through a shooting test of the sixth street and get it as a reward, or just pick up the weapon by force, interrupting everyone.
Moron Labe (Moron Labe) – Automat with increased rate of fire and a chance to dismember enemies. It’s great in the role of the main weapon, because it is suitable for both shootings near and in order to aim the opponents in the distance.
You can get a drawing from one of the opponents if you can clean the place of “organized crime” (skull icon) in the south of Pasifika. The drawing will immediately be epic. For his craft, you need 12 levels of equipment and perk "Master".
Submissions pistols
Fenrir (Fenrir) – Increased return is completely compensated by a reduced scatter and a good chance to set fire to the enemy. Given the rate of fire of the weapon, the enemies will almost always burn. And not only from what your immobal cannon is.
Fenrir is located to the left of the captive, who must be saved on the quest "Holy and Mirskoye". The task itself can be found in the north-west of Northside.
Prototype: Singan ver. 5 (Prototype Shingen: Mark V) – smart weapon that can track up to 3 enemies when aiming. Shoots with explosive bullets 3 pieces per shot.
The easiest way is to get it if you go to the Arasaki industrial park until the plot task "on soft paws". Then there will be no enemies in place, and it will be possible to quietly get your reward. On the territory of the park you need to find a container 667 – inside it lies the subject we need. Caution, on the container floor there will be a mine that must be neutralized. You can also get into the container during the plot task and after its implementation.
Shelma (mox) – Judy's gun, which is suitable for both near and medium distances. The altered barrel increases the accuracy of the fractions when aiming, and the accelerated reloading allows the lead to be stuffed with leading enemies without interrupting. The potential of the shotgun is fully revealed in the presence of 6 points in the “Reaction” characteristic.
After the completion of the personal storyline of Judy (the last quest – “Let me go, depth”) two options appear to get this weapon. If you have a novel, wait for SMS, where it will be said that she has a gift for you and you need to visit you. If there is no novel, then after some time come to Judy's apartment and take the shotgun from the bar in the kitchen.
Monarch (Sovereign) – double -barreled steamer with accelerated reloading and reduced bullet spread. During the shooting with the aim, it produces two rounds at once. Despite the fact that this is a shotgun, aiming, you can hit even far -standing goals. Masthev, if you want to feel dumb in the world of cyberpan.
The epic drawing is knocked out of opponents in the south of Japan-Town. You can find on the marker of "organized crime" to the left of the fast movement point "Crossbell Street and Brod Road". For craft, you need 12 points in technology and the "master" perk that allows you to create epic items.
Skippy (Skippy) – really smart weapon, because he has a built -in speaking AI. The main feature is that the gun is pumped in proportion to the level of the owner. Good choice at any stage of the game. AI offers two regimes of fire: “Pacifism and puppies (shooting only on the limbs)” ”and“ a cold -blooded killer (shots only in the head) ”. After 50 murders, the mode will switch to the opposite, so it makes sense to choose “pacifism and puppies”. And you can stop the murder counter, setting the modification of the "world" – it will make the gun of non -liberal.
To detect this weapon, you need to go to the assignments in Haywood, in the northeast of the El Coyota Kokho bar. In the lane there will be a suitcase with the loot we need.
Malorian ARMS 3516 (Malorian Arms 3516) – Johnny Silly Sylved Culture Pistol. High damage is supplemented by several fire modes. With ordinary shooting, the bullets will be ricocheted, but if you aim, they will begin to break through obstacles. If you use the attack of close combat, then instead of hitting the handle, the gun will release a wave of fire in front of him. This will cause great damage at a short distance.
You can get it during an additional mission "in the wake of the past". The mission itself will open after the main task of "metamorphosis".
Near -combat weapons
Slovislav Shishkin (Sir John Phallustiff) – This club not only looks interesting, but also causes huge damage. Diversifies gameplay and amusement. Perhaps you will even be able to defeat the final boss with its help.
During the “Obligation in Malstron” quest, do not take a loan from Meredith and kill everyone, including Royce, or transfer this credit card with the virus to the guys from Malstroda. Then, later, Meredith will send you SMS, which will start the additional task of "Venus in Furs". After its execution, you will receive this baton.
Shield -nominal (Cottonmouth) – an innocently looking cane, inside which poison and electricity flows. Allows you to apply additional chemical and electric damage and gives a chance a good chance to poison or hit the current. Stylish, fashionable, deadly.
During the main task “Secret Punities” you will get to Ripper Fingers. In the room on the bed will lie the baton we need. Good for starting the game. In addition to everything, it can be pumped so that the cane does not lag behind your level.
There are still many cult weapons in the game that we did not mention. Tell us in the comments if you agree with our choice and what guns you liked!
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