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The NEED For Speed ​​series can hardly be called the main racing franchise on planet Earth, but over the years it has become cult for millions of players. Each part of it is like a “cast” of its time, reflecting the fashion trends of the automotive industry. As NFS changed, the cars that are dedicated to our material today have changed.

You will find interesting stories about models that have become the “business cards” of the series games, or at least just iconic for their fans. One way or another, all these cars reflect the spirit of their time, and you can even have time to sink through the happy past!


The Need for Speed

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/gamebase/187/)

Year of release: 1994

What I remember: the fact that she laid the beginning, probably, the largest and most eminent racing series on the planet. Realistic (as far as possible), beautiful (for those times) and with the police, the first part became a real milestone and approved the direction of development of the genre for years to come.

Car: Ferrari 512tr.

► comparing the real and virtual models of the machine is not worth it – the level of graphics is not the same.

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This is interesting: 512TR is the modernization of Ferrari Testarossa (from Italian – “red head”: the head of the engine cylinders were red), which appeared in 1991. The original Testarossa was successful (both in the sense of sales and in terms of characteristics), but the aggressive design seemed to many not very successful. Yes, and about the convenience of the driver, Ferrari engineers apparently thought last: according to the owners, Testarossa’s salon has luxurious but terribly cramped, and the pedals are too close to each other. And still, this did not prevent the car from dispersing around the world in the amount of about ten thousand pieces and getting advanced versions. The first of them was called 512TR. It has become more powerful, lighter, a little prettier and at the same time more expensive. And it was she who was one of the first to appear in Need for Speed.

Why she: Despite the modest list of cars, it is difficult to highlight any one car here. So Ferrari is exclusively our choice. Although it is inferior in terms of characteristics of Lamborghini Diablo, but it is the best suited for the role of the symbol of that era.

Her place in the game: In the game 512TR, one of the two class “A” machines (the second was Diablo) and, although in general it lost Lamborghini at a pure speed, differed in better handling.


Need for Speed ​​II

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/gamebase/551/)

Year of release: 1997

What I remember: The second part is considered one of the most unsuccessful in the series. The rejection of realism and police chases did not benefit her, and she looked a little better than the original (although there were three whole years!). The emergence of a fork on the tracks saved, as well as the ability to improve cars – to present Need for Speed ​​without it now very difficult.

Car: Ferrari F50.

► In the appearance of the car, something "formula" is really noticeable.

This is interesting: F50 is noteworthy primarily in that it was created in order to at least slightly convey the sensations from piloting the Formula 1 Bolid. Many parts of the car are made in the image and likeness of the parts in the “formula brothers”: for example, the machine uses a racing suspension and an engine based on V12 C Ferrari F92a. By the way, the F50 was released by the fiftieth anniversary of the company (or rather, to the fifty -year anniversary of the release F125) and in only 349 copies.

► Enzo Ferrari, like all geniuses, was an unusual person: tough (and sometimes cruel), with the sea of ​​complexes and very strange habits.

On this occasion, we turn to the history of the Italian brand itself. In 1929, the racer, tester and designer Enzo Ferrari decided to establish his own company. At first, it produced only automobile equipment, and all the cars created by the company went under the Alfa-Romeo brand, with which Enzo Ferrari had agreements. The first Ferrari appeared only in 1946-it was F125, which, incidentally, after some time, came to the start of the first world championship Formula-1.

► The name of the city of Stuttgart comes from the German word Stutengarten, which can be translated as "mare garden".

Around then the world saw the famous "prancing stallion". And without stories, it was not there either. For the first time, young Enzo Ferrari saw this coat of arms on the airplane of Francesco Barak, the hero of the war and the idol of Italians. And he was a trophy from the side of the German aircraft shot down by him. Considering that on the seven of Stuttgart (it was from there, according to legend, there was a pilot) and a really reared horse, it is easy to believe in this story.

Why she: Ferrari F50 is one of the fastest and most beautiful machines in the game, and if in the first part with 512TR the Lamborghini Diablo competed, then there simply was no worthy opponents (McLaren F1 is faster, but it still lacks charm, although we are still for this model back).

Her place in the game: In the second part, F50 is one of the classes of class "A". And it is he who flaunts on the cover of the game.


Need for Speed ​​III: Hot Pursuit

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/gamebase/1047/)

Year of release: 1998

What I remember: The third chapter completely rehabilitated the series and largely formed its appearance, offering the Hot Pursuit regime, which was beloved by many, (where they had to fight with the guardians of order and challenging the Bessherers, being police officers). In Hot Pursuit, almost everything was ideal: arcade physics, and picturesque tracks, and gameplay. In a word, for the players she remained in memory for a long time as the best chapter of the series.

Car: Lamborghini Diablo SV.

► Game Diablo is still difficult to call perfect, but looking at it is already much nicer.

This is interesting: Diablo – without exaggeration, the legendary car. It received its name, according to the good old tradition of Lamborghini, in honor of the bull that once belonged to the Duke of Veragua (the animal died in Corrida in 1869). The release of the car at one time became a real salvation and a new turn in the history of the brand: Countach was out of time, and the development of a military SUV, which has gone for colossal funds, eventually reached sideways.

The game was a modification of the 1996 SV, different from the source Diablo primarily with greater power, as well as another dashboard, brake system, air intakes and a configurated spoiler.

► Ferrucio Lamborghini next to his creations.

The story of Lamborghini also deserves a separate story. Ferrucio Lamborgini all his life was a passionate fan of cars: as a child, he spent a lot of time in his father’s garage, and in 1947 he even performed in the prestigious Mille Mili race in a car he himself collected. However, after the Second World War, he succeeded in a slightly different business: remaking military equipment in … tractors (and then releasing his own). And only in the early sixties, when the money flowed through the river, Lamborgins surrendered to his true passion, buying expensive and fast cars. True, none of them suited him. Even Ferrari (he did not like the quality of the clutch). And the annoyed Italian went straight to Enzo Ferrari to express his discontent and give a couple of tips.

Ferrari has always been a difficult and very proud person, so very soon Lamborghini was a hammone … Continue to do tractors. Like, can a manufacturer of agricultural machinery understand something in sportswear? As it turned out, very.

The offended Lamborgini himself dismantled the transmission into his Ferrari to make sure that the same details are used in its creation as in its tractors. Then manually eliminated all the problems. And already in March 1964 he introduced his first car to the world, which laid the foundation for a great brand. Mark, which at some point wins the nose of Ferrari itself.

Why is she : Diablo SV has become one of the best cars in the game thanks to excellent acceleration and high maximum speed. However, even without taking into account impressive characteristics, it is more interesting than the rest of the Hot Pursuit fleet, which indirectly confirms the cover of the game.

Her place in the game: Diablo SV appears in the game in two versions at once: racing and police. The latter opened only if the player managed to arrest all opponents on each highway.


Need for Speed: High Stakes

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/gamebase/389/)

Year of release: 1999

What I remember: High Stakes developers tried to develop the success of the previous part by combining the successful Hot Pursuit finds with some ideas Gran Turismo (for example, a career regime first appeared). Alas, the suitable simulator from NFS did not turn out to be predictably, but she lost her drive along the road.

Car: McLaren F1 GTR.

► Orange color for mclaren has always been of great importance. It was in him that the first teams of the team were painted, on which Bruce McLaren won his victories.

A little history: Once upon a time there was a talented racer named Bruce McLaren. He became famous not only thanks to the successes on the highway, but also by the fact that he founded one of the most famous teams of Formula 1-McLaren. The British "stable" in its history won a lot of cups and titles, but in addition, it distinguished itself that one of the fastest supercars in history gave the world: McLaren F1.

► And here is Bruce Maclaren himself, sitting on the wheel of his creation. Just a few years later, during the tests of the new prototype in Goodwood, he will tragically die.

The development of such a masterpiece in McLaren was thinking in the sixties, but the sudden death of Bruce McLaren greatly changed the company's plans. So far, at the end of the eighties, the brilliant designer Gordon Murray, the creator of McLaren MP4/4 (in the 1988 season, she won fifteen victories out of sixteen possible) and Brabham-BT46B (the one with the rear fan), has not sketched the first sketches of the future passenger car. Some eyewitnesses claim that it was the only defeat in 1988 that became the key in this story: they say, immediately after an unsuccessful race, waiting for his flight, Murray and began to work on the legendary supercar.

And when the head of the team, Ron Dennis, saw the sketches, it was finally decided to create a “fastest car of all time”. And no one began to save on it.

The engine was developed by the best engineers of BMW Motorsport, and through the efforts of Murray and with the help of carbon fiber, it was possible to achieve amazing lightness. At the same time, the case turned out to be surprisingly strong. So much so that the designer himself was ready to personally get into the car during a crash test. Of course, he was not allowed, but the test showed that Murray was right: after the blow, the deformation of the body did not even reach the wheels. And this is not to mention the unique design that the McLaren F1 provided good pressure, doing without anti -winged.

► During his life, Gordon Murray designed many incredible cars. But mclaren f1 for him is special.

And even at the time of exit (1992), the car was unique in all parameters of the salon. Not only did the driver's seat are located in the center (better the balance of mass and the review), the creators were not too lazy to shove the air conditioner and a full -fledged audio system, which was a real rarity for those of those years.

However, the main advantage of McLaren F1 is, of course, its racing components. And then the car surprised even more, turned out to be well -controlled and at the same time insanely fast: in 1998, she broke the record for maximum speed among serial cars, setting a new bar – 391 km/h, and acceleration up to hundreds took only 3.5 seconds.

True, McLaren F1 had a drawback: the car cost about a million dollars. That, however, it did not stop her from literally in an instant to become a legend: people called her a perfect sports car, some almost worshiped her. And the victory at 24 hours Le-Man in 1995 only fixed this success.

Why she: without mclaren f1, our list would be far from complete.

Her place in the game: McLaren F1 GTR is one of the best cars in the game (class AAA), both at clean speed and controllability. In the PC version of the project, the 1995 Short-Tail version was presented, and the PS was proposed to manage the 1997 Longtail version.


Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/gamebase/759/)

Year of release: 2000

What I remember: The fifth is completely dedicated to the legendary Porsche brand and has some kind of unusual, charm. But, despite popular love, commercially she turned out to be a failure and almost buried the entire franchise.

Car: Porsche 356.

► Porsche Unleashed offered an unprecedented opportunity to open all the doors on their own and even climb the cabin.

A little history: The story of the Porsche brand began on April 25, 1931, when Ferdinand Porsche founded his own design bureau. Being an engineer from God, Porsche has already participated in the development of cars. His first creation-Lohner-Porsche-was very ahead of his time and forever went down in history as the first car with a hybrid drive. But Porsche also had military equipment behind Porsche (for which he was even awarded the cross “For Merit” by Kaiser himself), and sports Mercedes.

[[Bullet]] Ferdinand Porsche and son Ferry.

The first time of the existence of the company Ferdinand Porsche, however, was engaged in a variety of projects. The legendary Volkswagen Käfer, aka Zhuk, for example, was born largely thanks to him. And the famous tank "Tiger", by the way, too. But military developments played a cruel joke with their creator – immediately after the end of World War II, he ended up in prison, and when he went out ofward, he moved away (his health was undermined) and died on January 30, 1951. The father of his father was continued by his son. Also, by the way, Ferdinand, but we will call him Ferry.

Production of the first road car – Porsche 356 – began in 1948. He borrowed a lot from the Beetle (up to the details), but laid some traditions of the German company: for example, a motor located in the back, which made it possible to save money. What is funny, Ferry Porsche made the first car only for himself, but the result was so impressed by everyone that twenty more models were collected (from aluminum, manually and on the old sawmill). And then again. Until the seventy -six thousand Porsche 356 were already produced by 1965 (already at the factory in Stuttgart and from steel). Over the years, the 356th managed to become a legend among ordinary people and on racing tracks.

Why she: Porsche Unleashed is a real monument to the German brand, and a lot of space is given here. So the 356th against this background looks a special car (and we will talk about Porsche 911).

Her place in the game: In the game, the car is present in different versions as a representative of the "classical era".


Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/gamebase/1556/)

Year of release: 2002

What I remember: PC version came out oh-raw. So that people responsible for the transfer to personnel were fired two weeks after the release. However, even on PS2, the second part of Hot Pursuit was even a good, but still not the most memorable head of the series. Which, however, did not stop her from actually saving the closing franchise, showing Electronic Arts that it is too early to bury Neeed for Speed.

Car: Lamborghini murciélago

► Despite all the shortcomings, Hot Pursuit 2 has performed at that time worthy.

A little history: The fate of Murciélago was largely influenced by an important event that occurred in 1998: Audi bought a brand Lamborghini. The new Executive Director – Ferdinand Pikh, treated the quality with extraordinary meticulousness, and the appearance of Murciélago preceded the painstaking work of several firms at once. Several almost ready -made projects were sent to the landfill, and this continued until the Audi designer Luke Donkerolke offered a good option.

They released Murciélago in 2001 as a direct heir to Diablo. The new model was also named after the bull. Moreover, the company told a whole legend: they say, in 1879 there lived a bull named Murselago (“bat”), who managed not to fall after twenty-four strokes with a blade on Corrida. Shocked by the stamina of the animal, Matador did not finish him. And Murselago himself then laid the foundation for a whole breed of combat bulls. How true this legend is a big question, but invented beautifully.

Over time, Murciélago became one of the most successful models of the Italian brand – about 4099 cars were produced.

Why she: Lamborghini cars have always been surprisingly connected with Hot Pursuit. And the point is not that they appear on many covers of this subaceria – they are surprisingly well combined with the bright and sunny atmosphere of the game.

Her place in the game: Murciélago is presented in two versions at once: ordinary and police officer. In the PC version (as well as on Xbox and GameCube), the car was a representative of the class “B” (the second most powerful) and required 30,000 points for the racing version for unlocking, and 60,000 per option with a miletic. In the game of Murciélago, the maximum speed is noticeably higher than most models of class “B”, but it is not very stable in corners. Like Diablo in the previous part of Hot Pursuit, it was Murciélago who was placed on the project cover.

Continuation Read in the second part of the material!

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